Library Write-up

Fahri Korkmaz
3 min readMar 20, 2021


Library is a room on TryHackMe. The difficulty of the room is “easy”. Initial access was done through brute forcing SSH credentials. Finally privilege escalation to root was done through the creation of a malicious Python script.


The first step of the enumeration is starting a Nmap scan. After running the following Nmap scan we will see that SSH is running on port 22 and a web server is running on port 80.

nmap -oA initial

The landing page of the web server will reveal a possible username.

Next we can look for a “robots.txt” file. And indeed there is one. It contains “User-agent: rockyou”, which can be interpreted as a hint to perform a brute force attack with the “rockyou” wordlist.

Initial Access

We will now start a brute force against the SSH service with the username “melodias” and the password list “rockyout.txt”. If you are running Kali Linux or ParrotOS this wordlist will be at /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt. After a while we will get the password.

hydra -l meliodas -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:// -V -f -t 4

Next we can log in via SSH with these credentials and get the user flag.

ssh meliodas@

Privilege Escalation

During basic enumeration we can see that the user meliodas can run the command /usr/bin/python /home/meliodas/ as root with no password.

sudo -l

We can read the contents of the script with the cat command:

cat /home/meliodas/

As you can see a module named “zipfile” is imported and then the function or class ZipFileinside that module is run. We can easily create our own “” script which contains a function called “ZipFile” and spawns a shell. Start by opening a text editor:


Next type the following code into that file. Finally save and exit from it.

import os


def ZipFile(param1, param2, param3):

Now you can elevate your privileges to root and read the root flag.

sudo /usr/bin/python /home/meliodas/


The user meliodas should use a more complex password. Furthermore scripts like the script, should be placed inside a directory, where the meliodas user has not write privileges.



Fahri Korkmaz
Fahri Korkmaz

Written by Fahri Korkmaz

Red Teaming | Penetration Testing

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